Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sounds Like Maple Syrup

Sounds Like Maple Syrup 
by Sherri Doyle 
Art by Jim Bernardin
from Highlights Five

Branches creak in the chilly breeze -
Time to tap the maple trees.

Sap drips fast in a silver pail
Snow boots crunch back up the trail.

Sap is splashing, bucket pours.
Bubbles thicken.  Fire roars.

Time for pancakes, "Mmm so yummy!"

Isn't this completely adorable?  Check out the dog.  

I'm tapping maple trees today.


  1. That is so cute. I'll have to get the book fo my grandkids. We're holding off another week here before tapping, but, it looks like it's going to be a short season!

  2. Good luck tapping the trees today! That artwork and poem are too, too cute!

  3. Thank you all! The weather changed to a bit cooler, but it gives us a chance to get organized!

  4. Hello,
    Just wanted to let you know that I discovered you had posted my poem, originally published in Highlights High Five. Glad you enjoyed it but as you've posted it, the second last line of the poem is missing. You can find the missing line at the bottom of page two, "Clinking buckets, growling tummy..." Would you be able to make this correction?
    Hope you've had a good season!
