Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monsanto. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monsanto Transparency?

"Monsanto got a big boost in Europe yesterday when an official ruled that the European Union’s constituent countries couldn’t independently ban genetically modified crops (GMOs) on their turf. France and five other EU countries have put a blanket ban on GMOs, citing safety concerns."
Source: Red Green & Blue (

"So while France doesn’t have to open the floodgates tomorrow… this definitely ups the pressure on Europe to let Monsanto in."
Source: Red Green & Blue (

We lived in England in 2000 and I remember the stores having signs in their produce department listing if foods were GMO or not.  Twelve years down the road and we don't see even a hint of this in the U.S.

Is it futile to hate a corporation?