Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2011

First Deer

About 7 a.m. this morning, my son shot his first deer before school started.  Our little "hunting" dog, Petey, (ha ha) was looking out back and started barking at the shapes he saw moving around.  The next thing I knew, John was yelling for me to "get the gun!"  I told him he had to have his dad help him because his dad has the doe license and our son is being hunter mentored by him.  His dad set him up, they went out, and John shot his first doe.  

It was a quick, clean shot... great job John!

(John took off his orange vest while the picture was taken)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Deer Day

Yesterday was "Deer Day."  It's the first day of buck hunting season with a gun and a day off from school for the children.  In the past, here in northern Pennsylvania, so many children missed school on the first day of deer hunting season that the schools decided to make it a day off.  

I watched my Facebook and all around people reported not seeing anything.  Of course all the people who come to our area and drive around spotlighting deer, tramp through the woods to find the perfect hunting spot, and spend Sunday shooting to sight in their rifles may have something to do with it.  All those deer ran for the hills! 

I hunted... or rather, I should say I took a very slow walk through the woods while carrying a gun.  All I got was a tick in my foot.  Sigh.   

I came across this funny little poem:

Ode to a deer camp.

My wife I fear
Big racked deer
Cold cold beer
I'll stay here!

Tomorrow is the drawing for the book giveaway, "Carrots Love Tomatoes."  Be sure to go back two posts and leave a comment!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deer Sighting And Our First CSA Week

 I was preparing to work on this blog this morning, when I heard my schnauzer, Candy Cane, barking and turned to see a doe running and almost jumping over the dog in her haste to get away.  A minute later the dog started barking again and I looked to see the doe standing her ground and watching the dog.  Out of curiosity, I walked out to see how close to the doe I could get.  I was about 20 feet away from her..

...before she turned tail to run another 20 feet away.  I wonder if there's a 
little fawn hiding out in that growth?  

We had our first CSA pick up this past Friday and Saturday.  The baskets contained salad greens, beets, garlic scapes, free range eggs, maple syrup, jelly, herbs (tarragon, parsley, chives, and oregano), and chow chow. 

We look like we'll have a good basket for next week, but our third week's basket may hold less as we wait for the gardens to put forth their bounty.  That's part of being in a CSA and gardening in general - you enjoy joys of the bounty along with the sorrow of the dearth.  Once things get going though... (God willing) watch out for the tidal wave of vegetables!   

One of the most delightful things about a garden
is the anticipation it provides.  
 ~ by W.E. Johns,