Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cold Weather Go Away!

There's so much going on that I can hardly keep up!  O.K... even though we're behind schedule due to the crummy weather, I'm not keeping up and just barely treading water!

Fitz is out pulling the maple tanks as I write and when we get a day when there's not a torrential downpour (or snow) I'll get all the taps pulled.  

The pigs are coming on Monday!  We're getting 4 little squealers - 2 of them are sold, 1 is for a pig roast at my 50th birthday celebration this summer, and one will go to my own fall freezer camp.  We've been moving the pig fence because we found this spring that the runoff from it could potentially go into our seasonal spring, and we certainly don't want that!  Especially since we've talked about digging out a small pond in that area.  

I'm battling voles in the garden.  It appears that the little creatures are pulling up and eating my peas and sugar snaps as the beans emerge from the ground!  I've put out lots of mousetraps and I'm going to start bringing my kitties - Fred and Ginger - to the high tunnel with me while I work.

The garden is about two weeks behind schedule.  We've had such cold night time temperatures that I'm afraid to put my delicate tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants out there.  I'm crossing my fingers that this week will be the week I can catch up and get planting!

Happy Easter!

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