Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April Fools

We had an absolutely fantastic Maple Weekend with tons and tons of people coming to check out the sugar house and walk around the farm.  I think the children who came enjoyed getting out and running around to visit with the animals.  An impressive number of Maple Sweethearts came by to check out our operation.  Each one of them was adorable and knowledgeable.  

Right after the Maple Weekend, I headed to Florida for a mini vacation with family.  Check out the little 10-seat commuter from Bradford, Pennsylvania to Pittsburgh!  Yep, that's the pilot up there!


It was so very nice to warm up for a bit!  I even got to do some kayaking!  Ignore the plastic bag that was over my phone - enjoy the blue skies!

Then back home to maple season and cold weather.   Over the weekend we had some nice warm days and I was even able to feed my bees.  But when we woke up on April 1st.  This is what greeted us!

April Fools!

Winter is still here.  I sure am ready for warm weather and some digging in the garden!

But on a happy note, I know spring is coming.  Among a million other indicators, the days are longer, the robins, the red-winged blackbirds, and the bluebirds have arrived, the chickens are laying more eggs, and the horses are starting to shed.

Still no piglets!  I'm starting to wonder if she didn't "take".  We know she was bred and she hadn't had further heats.  In the past, this pig hasn't really shown signs of impending birth until she actually farrows.  One time I'll look at her and she seems pregnant with larger teats and belly and then I think "no she's not".   Maybe we'll have a surprise in the next few days.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter.  I'm happy to have my whole family together with my daughter home from Air Force Basic Training and Technical school before she heads off to her assignment and my son finishing his final year of school before he also heads into the Air Force!