Monday, March 16, 2020

Brown And Green Eggs For Sale - Self Serve

 My chickens are laying like crazy - usually about two dozen a day - and I have lots of wonderful eggs for sale!  I live on Snowman Road, Coudersport, Pennsylvania.  

We're pretty easy to find but do NOT take any GPS route that takes you on Black Hole Road!  Go around.  Black Hole Road is aptly named - it is a no winter maintenance road and at this time of year the mud will be up to your hubcaps. 

Come to Snowman Road.  You can't miss my little egg "stand" when you drive down.  This setup allows people to help themselves and, because it's along the road, it keeps the dogs from jumping on cars and people during this muddy season!

Be sure to tightly close the cooler!

And boy, oh boy, are these eggs pretty and delicious!  Look how deep yellow those yolks are!

You'll get spoiled. 

I bring out the eggs in the morning and if there are any left I bring them back and put them in the refrigerator at night.  

Here's an interesting note.  If you plan to hard boil your eggs, you'll find eggs that are at least seven days old peel easier.  Grocery store eggs can be a month old or even older.

The dogs love driving out to the egg stand  LadyBird thinks she's in charge!

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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