Some updates on the farm this past few weeks.
Pumpkin went to her new home yesterday. This is a picture of her when she was young and at five months old she has grown into a real beauty with this luscious orange coloring and her coat just shines! She took her dad's coloring and improved upon it. I hope she'll be able to pass some of this color onto her offspring! Let me know if anyone is interested in having a piglet of hers when she farrows (it'll be awhile). I'll pass the information on to her new owners.
Corn, potatoes, and onions are planted. All my from seed transplants are straining to be planted, but I had to order a new pump for the high tunnel. When I finally got the water tank pump going, it wouldn't run. As I reached down to pull it up I got a nasty jolt! Time for a new pump. The old cheap one lasted seven years.
We got new chicks. More about them later!
Gotta run!