Welcome to Fitzgerald's Family Farm! Our previous name was Cheery Hill Farm, but we kept having confusion with the Cheery part of our name - everyone kept saying Cherry Hill Farm.
I live here in north central Pennsylvania with my two beautiful children and my wonderful, hard-working husband.
Our mini-farm is located along with our home on a six-acre plot. We have vegetables inside a high tunnel and in outside plots, lots of chickens - laying and meat, 2 pigs, herb gardens, 2 beehives, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 guinea pigs. We tap about 1000 maple tree taps on leased lands. I also have apple trees, pears trees and blueberry bushes. None of the fruit set this year due to the darn caterpillars.
My goal is to feed my family with healthy, nourishing, non-chemical laden foods. My family would like to become as self-sustained as possible. I also want to participate in the Eat Fresh Eat Local campaigns that are going around the country by offering CSA's (purchased weekly baskets of vegetables and other foods) to my community. We will be selling honey and maple syrup as well as fresh vegetables and eggs.
I dabble a bit in painting and paint antique maple buckets with scenes of tapped maple trees, evergreens in the winter, maple leaves, flowers, etc.
There's always a lot going on here and I hope you will enjoy stepping in and seeing a bit of our farm life.