Fitzgerald's Family Farm is a mini farm located in beautiful Potter County, PA, known as "God's Country," dedicated to raising fruits, vegetables, and critters in an earth-friendly manner.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Love and Maple Syrup
Love and maple syrup shine like
Embers warm, like thoughts divine
They tell us it is spring
Love and maple syrup stir
The thoughts of people into words
Of songs that they can sing
Excerpt from, "Love and Maple Syrup," by Gordon Lightfoot
But maple cream is one of the best things ever that I can't get here, like Mirabelle Jam I have to order online since I fell in love with it in France. Two of my absolute favorite things to put on an English muffin ever! Oh, what I'd give...
But maple cream is one of the best things ever that I can't get here, like Mirabelle Jam I have to order online since I fell in love with it in France. Two of my absolute favorite things to put on an English muffin ever! Oh, what I'd give...